
Showing posts from September, 2020

Antifa Action & Popular Insurrection

Antifa Action must now come as the manifestation of a full and ongoing Popular Insurrection. President Donald Trump's 1776 commission is proof America is a Fascist State and a Joe Biden presidency will not undo this. Nonviolence is a cancer eating away at the Radical Far Left. It is very likely that Donald Trump will win, if he does then this will be good for the further demoralizing of the American hoards. If Joe Biden wins Donald Trump may reject it and keep himself in office. My father was a Neo-Nazi and he taught me that he and his "brothers" were apart of a fifth column in the United States Military that was taking over fast but quietly. The White Power Movement has taken over the Republican Party and the Radical Liberals have moved into the Democratic Party replacing the cliche NeoLiberals. The need to dismantle the United States of America has never been greater, it is time to end America. America is built on the backs of Slaves and the blood of Natives. Those atte

The Pink Purple Girl

I made this Blog, in hopes of conveying the truth to those truly interested in our struggles. I want to warn everyone ahead of time that I am going to rightfully criticize quite a few things that almost no one has the courage to criticize. The first criticism that I must make is towards myself for overestimating Kelley Seven, falsely assuming that she could keep herself balanced, we have effective treatments for bipolar and yet we were not giving this to her. After she committed suicide I interrupted Comrade Net's Sabbath and I slapped him five times across the face, I even caused his nose to bleed. I had asked for Comrade Net's help, knowing full well that he was overwhelmed with too many tasks. I have a criticism of RedScareTv but it has nothing to do with Kelley Seven. So let me get something out of the way. On the date of August 22, 2020 RedScareTv aka Mason Steiner wrote an article titled My Condolences Are Deep, My Dissapointment in Myself Unmeasurable . I am rather moved

The Three Arrows of Antifa

It is amazing just how the Far Right has managed to unite despite having more disagreements than the Far Left. Antifaschistische Aktion, commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa, was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 German federal elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD". The Three Arrows (German: Drei Pfeile) was a social-democratic political symbol associated with the Social Democratic Party of Germany,  used in the late history of the Weimar Republic. Today the Three Arrows has been taken by Antifa. Comrade Net of the Bundist Movement has been working very close with me, I have to help him edit several Videos for the Bundist Movement Channel. Comrade Net had the idea to replace the symbol for reactionary conservati

Kelley Seven ('They Are Watching Me)

On the date of August 21, 2020 one of our own committed suicide. Kelley Seven was 19 and she was a survivor of Midnight Productions, a Human Trafficking syndicate that no one wants to confront. Well there is Jason Unruhe, he cares. But Jason Unruhe is for real and not part of BreadTube. The more we try to spread the word about what happen the more we are ignored. When I try to share the videos from Jason Unruhe the more I get called a confused person with internalized transphobia. I had planned to make this Blog for some time because of Kelley Seven, but after yesterday I decided that it was time for me to make this Blog right there and then.   I love you Kelley Seven (They Are Watching Me) may you Rest in Power.  Last night six White Vans came up behind the Plaza at 67th Ave and Peoria, they took away 14 Anarchists. 16 of my family members were running from the Vans and they were cornered behind a Plaza at 67th Ave and Peoria, only two of them got away. Kelley Seven would want me to t

BreadTube is RadLib Social Fascism

THESE PICTURES WERE NOT MADE IN HASTE, I WAS GOING TO HOLD OFF USING THEM. I WILL WAIT NO MORE. NOT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY AND THE DAY BEFORE.  I am the Pink Purple Girl, I am a Transwoman of the age of 30, I am a proud and founding member of the Arizona Rebellion. The Arizona Rebellion forwards a new Anarchist theory, a Theory too cool for BreadTube. BreadTube could not shelter my sister Kelley Seven. Kelley Seven would go on to make a YouTube account called 'They Are Watching Me' and during the last days of her life she streamed on the channels of Jason Unruhe, RedScareTv, Dankey Kang, Ewoks Unhinged and Fellow Traveler. I had this picture made not to long ago in memory of the two great YouTube Channels that could have showed people what Squatter Anarchism looks like. These Channels were new. BreadTube is full of RadLibs. The RadLibs on BreadTube do not have our back. In July two of my Comrades from Nevada both of them Anarchists (RockTheSwap and Co-OptRanger) had thei