BreadTube is RadLib Social Fascism


I am the Pink Purple Girl, I am a Transwoman of the age of 30, I am a proud and founding member of the Arizona Rebellion. The Arizona Rebellion forwards a new Anarchist theory, a Theory too cool for BreadTube. BreadTube could not shelter my sister Kelley Seven. Kelley Seven would go on to make a YouTube account called 'They Are Watching Me' and during the last days of her life she streamed on the channels of Jason Unruhe, RedScareTv, Dankey Kang, Ewoks Unhinged and Fellow Traveler.

I had this picture made not to long ago in memory of the two great YouTube Channels that could have showed people what Squatter Anarchism looks like. These Channels were new.

BreadTube is full of RadLibs. The RadLibs on BreadTube do not have our back.

In July two of my Comrades from Nevada both of them Anarchists (RockTheSwap and Co-OptRanger) had their YouTube accounts removed after challenging Vaush in his stream on YouTube to a debate. 

RockTheSwap had two videos already published on his Channel. 

Co-OptRanger had produced 29 on her Channel. 

Vaush ignores us if any of us make it into his stream and then our accounts get removed by YouTube for violating terms and services. We are not violating terms and services, Vaush however can say what ever racist and transphobic stuff he wants. Vaush gets championed as someone fighting transphobia and racism which makes no sense to me. How has it come to this that a racist transphobe can say what ever he pleases then gets credited as a leftist fighting for racial equality and trans rights.

Showing Squatter Life in a Political Anarchist context is very Taboo, what does BreadTube care? 

Then on September 9, 2020 four YouTubers had their accounts removed as others had before for pissing off BreadTube, this was done because they made the mistake of going into the comment section of one of Vaush's videos and demanding that he share their videos and that BreadTube had a responsibility to show the Videos of Anarchist Squatters to the World. 

Justice was a Marxist YouTuber putting out Videos showing his own face, one of his Videos even featured me. Justice spends a lot of time in Nevada, Arizona and Utah. Justice goes by the name Taylor Justice out on the Streets. Taylor Justice should not be confused with M3W Justice. It is common knowledge that the once infamous southwestern autonomous federated Antifa alliances had both Taylor Justice and M3W Justice occupying Vanguard positions as Marxists.

It may be of interest to know that all of M3W Justice's Videos got removed after being collectively spam-reported by fans of Anarchopac. After M3W Justice made a video calling out Anarchopac, his video was removed then an hour later his nine other videos were removed and then he was locked out of his YouTube account. M3W Justice made a second YouTube account but this Channel was deleted due to the fact that every Video he made on his new Channel was about exposing Midnight Productions. I have heard that M3W Justice is going to try again one more time to set up a Channel to post Videos on. 

Justice: Now back to Taylor Justice. Taylor Justice (calling himself 'Justice' on YouTube) was one of the four YouTubers that had his Channel removed on September 9, 2020. 

It's Okay to be Antifa: A overly outspoken Marxist-Leninist-Maoist who enjoyed engaging with others on the Ewoks Unhinged stream calling himself 'It's Okay to be Antifa' was openly challenging Colonialists, Fascist and Radical Liberals in high quality Video form had his Channel removed on September 9, 2020. He wanted to make it okay to be a Cis Gay Maoist while also being very Anti-RadLib, something more taboo than most can even being to understand.

One World is One Community: Anarchist Channel that focused on Arizona Street life, she as of yesterday is now one of the kidnapped. A young Cis Lesbian who recovered from the brainwashing done by Home of Hope. 

Civil Rebellion is Revolutionary: She is another close friend of mine, a Trans Woman who organizes one of the Anarchist Squatter Houses for the Trans Teens trying to escape Midnight Productions. 

On September 9, 2020  the ones calling themselves 'Justice, 'It's Okay to be Antifa, 'One World is One Community and 'Civil Rebellion is Revolutionary; all four of them went into Vaush's stream and asked him nicely to platform their struggles, some hours later they all had their Channels removed from YouTube.

I have no intention of making their mistake. I am not going to make Videos, I intend to write a Book instead, but I do not have a publisher. I don't always have internet access and I want it in book form, something I can hand to people who do not have the money to keep their Tablets charged. No one wants to publish my Book, no one. 



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