Antifa Action & Popular Insurrection

Antifa Action must now come as the manifestation of a full and ongoing Popular Insurrection. President Donald Trump's 1776 commission is proof America is a Fascist State and a Joe Biden presidency will not undo this. Nonviolence is a cancer eating away at the Radical Far Left. It is very likely that Donald Trump will win, if he does then this will be good for the further demoralizing of the American hoards. If Joe Biden wins Donald Trump may reject it and keep himself in office. My father was a Neo-Nazi and he taught me that he and his "brothers" were apart of a fifth column in the United States Military that was taking over fast but quietly. The White Power Movement has taken over the Republican Party and the Radical Liberals have moved into the Democratic Party replacing the cliche NeoLiberals. The need to dismantle the United States of America has never been greater, it is time to end America. America is built on the backs of Slaves and the blood of Natives. Those attempting to save America's Soul are protecting Colonialism. We can not bring Socialism, Communism or Anarchy to this Land, so long as Colonialism is always there to reinforce Capitalism and Imperialism. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are the same, they both seek the blood of Protesters. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will make sure to massacre all of those replenishing themselves with the necessity of looting. 

This is how it is. I hope Donald Trump wins. I hope Donald Trump looses. Kamala Harris is a neutralizing force that causes the masses to slumber. There will be no Revolution under and Biden-Harris Regime. Yet even so, if Joe Biden wins office with Trump refusing to leave then we can see more unrest. Every situation from here must become an open opportunity to spread Anti-Americanism throughout the United States of America. 

The United States of America must be put on trial. 

We must generate a situation where average American Families can finally be judged for their parasitic values. Their faith in Colombia, Uncle Sam, Market and State must be smashed. 


WE can kill Colombia and her brother King Samuel Alfred. The Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore must be desecrated. The United States of America must not be given any genuine chance to redeem it self.  

The United States of America must be punished with a Treaty of Versailles style judgement.

It is average Americans who must be shamed the way Nazis were shamed by the Nuremberg Trials. 

The time to remove Colonialism is now. We need a Back to Europe movement. Everyone enlisted in the United States Military must be seen by the entire World as being guilty of Fascism. The penalty for Fascism must be very severe, and the penalty for Radical Liberalism must be the same. Military Veterans stripped of clothing and made to walk long miles while families of their victims throw food at them, this is perfect justice. All mercy to American Veterans must be put to an end. American Veterans are not victims they are predators. My biggest complaint about these Riots is that not enough Private Property has been destroyed. 

We must leave the Americas to be divided among Blacks and Natives. Anarchists like myself should be given all the means to form Communes in Europe and from there we can destroy European pride. 

Any and all of my Black Anarchist Comrades and my Native Anarchist Comrades should be given full autonomy to take anything they want from Europe. Natives must even be guaranteed the right to make Settlements all over Europe must be ensured. 

As to how to decide what shall be done with Canadians, this should all be decided by Blacks and Natives. Colonialism must be confronted in order to fully pass judgement on Fascists. Dealing with Fascists is not where this stops, we have to treat the Radical Liberals the same as the Fascists. Radical Liberals are nothing but Social Fascists. 

I celebrated the overdue death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she was racist and had a very Settler Colonial mentality. The San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and other athletes protested racial injustice by refusing to stand for the national anthem. It does not actually matter if Ruth Bader Ginsburg ruled this Constitutional or not, her personal condemnation of this damns her. Our memory of Ruth Bader Ginsburg should be one of disgust and dread. Those that declare themselves Ginsburg apologists do so because they are harbingers of a hidden loyalty to Settler Colonialism. 

America must end. 

Who is Uncle Sam? Uncle Sam is King Samuel Alfred a horror upon the World. 

Who is the Statue of Liberty? The Statue of Liberty is Colombia the so-called Manifest Destiny. 

The failure of Americans to denounce being Americanists is a crime against humanity. 

It is too late for American Families to apologize for their exploitation of the Planet. 

We need to stop respecting boarders, they get in the way. 

No Flags! No Boarders! No Nations! No Patriots! No Divisions!



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