The Pink Purple Girl

I made this Blog, in hopes of conveying the truth to those truly interested in our struggles. I want to warn everyone ahead of time that I am going to rightfully criticize quite a few things that almost no one has the courage to criticize. The first criticism that I must make is towards myself for overestimating Kelley Seven, falsely assuming that she could keep herself balanced, we have effective treatments for bipolar and yet we were not giving this to her. After she committed suicide I interrupted Comrade Net's Sabbath and I slapped him five times across the face, I even caused his nose to bleed. I had asked for Comrade Net's help, knowing full well that he was overwhelmed with too many tasks. I have a criticism of RedScareTv but it has nothing to do with Kelley Seven. So let me get something out of the way. On the date of August 22, 2020 RedScareTv aka Mason Steiner wrote an article titled My Condolences Are Deep, My Dissapointment in Myself Unmeasurable. I am rather moved by this article and I actually don't blame Mason for this, I do not even blame Comrade Net, I blame myself. Kelley Seven was known on YouTube as 'They Are Watching Me. So when one reads of 'They Are Watching Me, understand that this is Kelley Seven.

Mason's article reads: Today I learned about a tragedy. The death of They Are Watching Me. While I know little about them. I do feel that in some way I have contributed to their death. To which I feel the utmost shame in myself.

Comrade, I should have supervised her efforts and recalled out mentally unwell she would be sleeping under that Bridge she was sleeping under, night after night. You may not be aware of this, but the place were we found her was very close to one of our Squatter Houses, the very Squatter House we had to close yesterday. This will be the first Squatter House that we have closed without getting raided by the Pigs.

The events that lead up to this begin on 8/19/2020 at 3:30pm Eastern Standard Time. I had premiered a video in which I was having a discussion with a fellow comrade. Comrade They Are Watching Me was in the live chat as it appeared during the premier. I had criticized anarchism as “revolutionary defeatism”. A criticism I had made callously, and out of frustration from my current workplace which involves interacting with violent individuals.

I have said much worse about Marxism when truly pissed off. Although, I should say that Kelley Seven or as you knew her 'They Are Watching Me was probably rather sensitive, at the very least this was only a small factor among several other factors that led up to her suicide. 

Regardless, I made this criticism in a hostile and militant manner. But my intent was not to harm. I had no intention for this to happen, nor could I know she would take her own life. My disappointment in myself is immeasurable. At this moment all I can feel is grief.

Thank You for your words Comrade, for days all I could feel was rage and I blamed everyone, in denial of my part in this. 

Today is by no means an immaculate day. Upon being the day of death for our comrade. It also happens to be the day of death for Dr. Huey P. Newton. Words cannot bring back our comrade. But I hope words can console you.

Huey P. Newton may have been a Marxist, nonetheless WE The Anarchists adopt his ideas of Revolutionary Intercommunalism. 

Today I self-criticize to become different. Today we mourn our comrade. Tomorrow we carry on the battle for roses and bread.

This is very beautiful Mason.


Mason “RedScare” Steiner

Nihil Humani A Me Alienum Puto.”

Solidarity to RedScareTv aka Mason Steiner. Don't take the criticism that I am about to give you the wrong way. Be aware that my actual criticism of you has nothing to do with Kelley Seven.

Who am I?   I am The Pink Purple Girl. 

Now, I must criticize others. If there is one thing we have learned from the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists it is how to give criticism and self-criticism. This will be difficult, it is not my intention to cause strife but I have to criticize those that I don't seek conflict with. First I must criticize Mason Steiner also known as RedScareTv. I have now read Mason's book Anarchism: A Plague On Radical Leftism and all I can say is, that this younger gentleman is out of touch with real Anarchists and should become better at investigating. It is almost as if his only interaction with any real Anarchist has been with such individuals as Piper Tompkins. Piper Tompkins is a genuine Anarchist but I would say she represents a emotional tendency in the Anarchist Community and she should take up the most advanced Anarchist Theory. The most advanced Anarchist Theory is the Lumpen-Squatter theory of Anarchism. I also wish to criticize Noam Chomsky for being a complete and total sellout. I went over to the University of Arizona with a friend, I had on very nice clothes and I was very well kept that day. I was told that I could meet with Noam Chomsky but instead I was kicked off Campus within 3 minutes. Noam Chomsky also wants us to vote for Joe Biden. REAL ANARCHISTS DO NOT VOTE. Attempts at saving the Working Class in the United States of America is typical Marxist nonsense. So this American "working class" which is payed above the value of their labor worth, only to be kept enslaved via the Debt of Mortgage and Car-Payment Loans that they must spend their entire life paying off??? This is the revolutionary class??? These Parasites that vampireically take from the Third World to preserve their First World privilege is what makes or breaks revolution??? NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! This is why it is the Maoists that we actually get along with. However the Bundists are correct, as good as the Maoists are, the Third Worldists are even better. I refuse to be in solidarity with American "workers" that do not even care if their parasitic families are out breeding the Natives in an aggressive ongoing Genocide. I must also criticize the Trans Community, this does not mean that I have internal transphobia. My criticisms are in the service of the Trans Community, dissent is loyalty and ignoring ongoing issues in our Community is disloyalty which will only make the issues increase. It is time that the Trans Community reach out to Jason Unruhe and stop placating to the Gatekeeping RadLibs that only care about Identity Politics instead of Class Struggle. Some people make fun of me because I have a crush on Jason Unruhe and I don't care. Jason Unruhe has been my hero since I was 21, I ran away from home when I was 16, my father is a Neo-Nazi and it is Jason Unruhe that first inspired me to consider Class War as the only way out, he probably wants to know why I am an Anarchist instead of a Marxist. All I can tell Jason Unruhe is that the material conditions out here in my evaluation fit the Anarchist approach instead of the Marxist approach. Don't be embarrassed Jason, I LOVE YOU. It is not meant to be sadly, I will die before 40, I can feel it and something tells me you will merry, Man or Woman, Cis or Trans I don't know but something says in my gut that I am not the one for you. Regardless, I will always be in love with you Jason. Thank you so much for focusing on our struggles.

 This Blog is going to get deeper into the subject of the Arizona Rebellion. 

On the date of September 10, 2020 a terrible thing happened to 14 of my Family members. Re-strategizing has begun. I hope that Jason Unruhe will be willing to publish the works of the Arizona Rebellion

No one finds White Vans suspicious. This has been going on in Arizona for a long time now and even with the same shit happening in Portland everyone waters down in their minds the gravity of these situations. 

Summer has ended and Autumn is here.
I took some footage of something for documentation purposes, hopefully the video clip is undamaged and Jason Unruhe can make use of it. I have so much more to write but I have to get going again, I must meet up with some other Comrades, we are finding a new Squatter House today.


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