The Three Arrows of Antifa

It is amazing just how the Far Right has managed to unite despite having more disagreements than the Far Left. Antifaschistische Aktion, commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa, was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 German federal elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD". The Three Arrows (German: Drei Pfeile) was a social-democratic political symbol associated with the Social Democratic Party of Germany,  used in the late history of the Weimar Republic. Today the Three Arrows has been taken by Antifa. Comrade Net of the Bundist Movement has been working very close with me, I have to help him edit several Videos for the Bundist Movement Channel. Comrade Net had the idea to replace the symbol for reactionary conservatism with the symbol for Mormonism because Monarchism is rather dead in our time. Besides Comrade Net's reasoning we can observe the evident nature of the LDS symbol which fully embodies Colonialism. Then furthermore Colonialism encompasses Social Democrats, Conservativism, Monasrchism all at once. 

History of the Three Arrows

The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) claimed to oppose both the Nazi Party (NSDAP) and the Communist Party (KPD). In this setting, the SPD organizer Carlo Mierendorf recruited Russian exiled physiologist Sergei Chakhotin as the propagandist of the paramilitary Iron Front, and together they developed propaganda initiatives to counter the NSDAP and the KPD in early 1932. The Iron Front was not in anyway appealing to the masses of Germans. Today the Iron Front would best be embodied by Vaush and Xanderhal instead of Carlo Mierendorf and Sergei Chakhotin. Today the three arrows symbol is popularly used within Antifa. Vaush and Xanderhal are not even Social Democrats they are merely Radical Liberals. Social Democracy is dying, it is Socialism or Barbarism now.

I call on all of my fellow Anarchists to work closely with Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, Bundists and Maoist-Third Worldists to build up a fully advanced United Anti-Fascist Action Front. 


This call is not going out to fake Anarchists such as Anarcho Pacifists. Only true Anarchists belong in on this as defined by the Arizona Rebellion as our theories have proven to be the most effective. The Iron Front is long gone while Antifa remains. We must be rid of Colonialism and all attempts at redeeming the United States of America, attempts to restore America are Anti-Indigenous. Fascism is not a joke and no amount of voting will solve the Fascist problem, Fascists bypass laws everyday just as was done in the days of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Radical Liberalism is equally as counter-revolutionary as Fascism and the measures to take down Radical Liberalism must be the same as the measures to take down Fascism.


This is the root of Capitalism. This ideological practice has led to many woes upon both Humanity and the Planet Earth. Capitalism would not have grown out of the soil of European Feudalism with out the pretext of Colonialists. Colonialism is still destroying entire Peoples. It is because of Colonialism that the fiction of Whiteness (Eurocentricity) is believed in so heavily throughout both Europe and the Settler Colonies.


This ideology is the Third Way of Politics; Capitalism in decay. Fascism can also be called Political Conservativism in decay. Those motivated to vote on Conservative grounds can quickly degenerate into Fascism. The Fascists are the worst at describing and/or identifying Fascism. Fascism is Far Right Ideology which is more or less Chauvinistic Supremacy. Fascists identify marginalized victims as guilty. Fascism is the most terrifying form of reactionary politics in Human memory and even today. Fascists do not always refer to themselves as Fascists. National Socialism is a form of Fascism that used Socialist colors and words mixing them with Racism and Antisemitism. Anarcho Capitalism is a form of Fascism that masquerades as Anarchism even though Anarchism is Socialist and extremely Anti-Capitalist. National Anarchism is also a type of Fascism that hides behind the name of Anarchism. Corporatism is a type of Fascism which promotes militarized Ultra Nationalism with the goal of using Class Collaboration as a way to prevent Socialism. Fascism is not coherent. The American version of the Libertarian Party is Fascist. The Alt Right is Fascist. Despite their tendency to reject the term, National Bolsheviks are very Fascist.

Radical Liberalism

This Right Wing position tends to claim to be Left Wing. Radical Liberalism is equally as Right Wing as Fascism, although not always as threatening. Radical Liberals tend to be obsessed with Sexual Liberty in the most extreme, even going as far as tolerating Pedophilia or in some cases fully endorsing Pedophilia. Whenever the Radical Liberals are confronted on the unhealthy nature of their reactionary views on Pedophilia they accuse those challenging them of being Transphobic, Misogynistic and/or Racist. The irony is that the gross tactics of accusation made by RadLibs is that they tend to be very Transphobic, Misogynistic and/or Racist themselves. Radical Liberalism is not quite the same as Classical Liberalism or even Neo-Liberalism as both Classical Liberalism and Neo-Liberalism openly oppose Socialism. RadLibs usually pretend to be Socialists, they often claim that every Socialist opposing them is a Fascist pretending to be Socialist. It is the hardcore Socialists (especially Socialists of Color and Street Anarchists) who find themselves under the attack of RadLibs. Nothing pleases a RadLib more than to accuse a real Socialist of being secretly a Fascist. Radical Liberalism is Progressivism in decay or Centrism in decay. The motivation for Radical Liberals is much different than the motivation of Fascists; with one main shared -exception which is the cause and desire to preserve their privilege. RadLibs hate Third World People. Radical Liberalism is very First Worldist.


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