Kelley Seven ('They Are Watching Me)

On the date of August 21, 2020 one of our own committed suicide. Kelley Seven was 19 and she was a survivor of Midnight Productions, a Human Trafficking syndicate that no one wants to confront. Well there is Jason Unruhe, he cares. But Jason Unruhe is for real and not part of BreadTube. The more we try to spread the word about what happen the more we are ignored. When I try to share the videos from Jason Unruhe the more I get called a confused person with internalized transphobia. I had planned to make this Blog for some time because of Kelley Seven, but after yesterday I decided that it was time for me to make this Blog right there and then.

 I love you Kelley Seven (They Are Watching Me) may you Rest in Power. 

Last night six White Vans came up behind the Plaza at 67th Ave and Peoria, they took away 14 Anarchists. 16 of my family members were running from the Vans and they were cornered behind a Plaza at 67th Ave and Peoria, only two of them got away. Kelley Seven would want me to talk about this, I will not make the mistake of making a YouTube Channel that will just get ban by YouTube. This Blog will help to explain many things. One of the subjects my Blog will go into detail about is the subject of Panther C.O.D.E which is the most reliable group outside of our selves. Panther C.O.D.E is a New Afrikan Black Nationalist and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Militia that has joined us in our war against the Police, the Neo-Nazi Terrorists and the JDL Zionist Terrorists and Midnight Productions which is at the center of this entire thing. I am grateful to Jason Unruhe for saying something, for interviewing Comrade Net of the Bundist Movement. I just wish the smear campaign against Jason Unruhe would end. at least end long enough so that the message concerning all that is happening out here could be heard. Kelley Seven was special, she was trying make a Coalition of Maoists, Anarchists, Bundists and Third Worldists together to make a Socialist Press. Kelley Seven was in her last days living under a bridge, a young homeless TransWoman who had been subjected to prostitution when she was younger. Her suicide note read "Person is not Toy." and "I will not return." and "I don't want to choose between RadLibs and Nazis" nothing else. I should have done more for her. Kelley Seven said that Midnight Productions was going to hunt us like Animals and she was correct. We are being hunted.

This is the City of Glendale. I miss the old Anarcho Syndical Family which I was a full time member before it was forced to disband and I miss the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. No one was underground in those days. I have not slept for three days, I am very tired. Running from the Pigs and Open Neo-Nazi forces out here. I have temporary shelter, I will write more. I need to reply to Mason Steiner aka RedScareTv, I need to be in a rested mood to respond to this post right here: My Condolences Are Deep, My Dissapointment in Myself Unmeasurable so let me get some sleep first.


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