Updates and Responses

These are my updates and responses covering topics. Just to break the ice, topically of course. On the date of December 26, 2023 I was attempting to get both me and Dona Newman into another Hotel. That is when she was kidnapped. I don't know how else to bring this up. Anarcho Syndical Boy has not reported this because he was not there. I will give my first hand account of the kidnapping of Dona Newman in the middle of this blog post. I ran into Comrade Net yesterday. We talked for hours. I realized how difficult everything has gotten for him. I hope after explaining many times to him, he will eventually realize that we have always been in a near impossible situation.

My very first topic is my response to two replies I missed from my May 25, 2023 blog post The Police and Human Trafficking https://thepinkpurplegirl.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-police-and-human-trafficking.html these are two replies from an anonymous person calling themselves MP Hunter. I have included two screenshots for public viewing. I have had to consider how I was going to handle this when I first saw these. I totally forgot about these. Every time I remembered them I was not in any ability to resound. Today I am responding.     

This is the first reply by MP Hunter.

This is the second reply by MP Hunter.

I have no idea who this person is. But as soon as I have finished with an overdue response I owe to Dr. Weizfeld at The Commune of Anarchy I will see if I can email this person. I hope that this MP Hunter can understand my ability to use the Internet is limited.



One of these topics address a reply to my last blog post I wrote on September 09, 2023 Revolutionary Intercommunalism in Arizona https://thepinkpurplegirl.blogspot.com/2023/09/revolutionary-intercommunalism-in.html the reply is from Comrade RedPagan also known as Nikole. I took the screen save yesterday. All these screen saves are from yesterday.

I really do hope to speak to Red Pagan. I also want to collaborate with RedPagan Nikole. I can not reactivate my smart phone. If I still have Internet access tomorrow I will contact her immediately. First I will have to install WIRE on this Laptop. The Laptop I am using is not mine. I am using Anarcho Syndical Boy's Laptop today. Me and Anarcho will try to put WIRE on this Laptop tonight. I still have to write the overdue response to Dr. Weizfeld. We can not be expected to meet anyone on their terms. Our comradery with Comrade Net has always depended on him meeting us on our terms not his. Never have any of us met with Comrade Net on his terms. This is still how we do things. Anyone seeking to meet with us, must meet us on our terms. This is how it is for everyone else. Anyone looking for us can only meet us on our terms. But not just me, Anarcho and many of the others want to talk to RedPagan Nikole. I personally don't mind meeting Dr. Weizfeld but he should practice the reciprocity he preaches. So far it looks like Dr. Weizfeld lives in another reality. As much as we love Comrade Net, we have cut ties with him until further reconsidering. Maybe Comrade Net is not a patsy but he sure does do the bidding of Dr. Weizfeld and Stoned Soviet. On a personal level I don't think Comrade Net shills for Dr. Weizfeld but I am not going to lie about this. I have suspected Comrade Net of shilling for Dr. Weizfeld many different times in the past. I was the only Anarchist aware of this idea of Comrade Net controlling everyone. I know that this opposite idea is a lie. Has any of these Internet People even seen Comrade Net in person? Comrade Net never has anything under control much less any person or persons. Anyone who takes advice from Comrade Net does so because they agree with his insight. A lot of individuals have benefited from learning from Comrade Net. The truth is a painful one. Comrade Net is a Drifter trapped and caged into staying in one place for too long. I think it is actually RedPagan Nikole who truly grasps who Comrade Net really is as a person. We are at a friend's house right now, all 34 of us. If at any time his mom finds out that some of us are hiding in his room while the rest of us are hiding in his parents tool shed, then we are in serious trouble and so is he. My plea to RedPagan Nikole would be for her to find a way to get through to abraham Weizfeld PhD. None of us have any Identification Card, Drivers' License, Social Security Card or Birth Certificate. We are off grid. My estrogen formula for Trans Women is not legally made. I am a very good Chemist with no official credentials confirming my skills. I learned from great Chemists who actually did have all of the best credentials back when I was a Teenager. Dr. Weizfeld thinks all Comrade Net has to do is set up a separate Bank Account or some Account with a Credit Union. Then we could use the Money by proxy? I think? This is just ridiculous. Another thing we refuse to do is be part of any Social Media group with Stoned Soviet. This Kara Stokely formally called Stoned Soviet was at one time respected by all of us. She directly interfered with plans made by the Network formally known as Maoist Rebel News. It was particularly Kara Stokely who held Maoist Rebel News back from keeping promises to Street Cadres. Kara Stokely is a severe narcissist who commands ideas from her Keyboard. She is a Larping Armchair Communist. There is no debate about this for any of us. We will never join in any Social Media group with Kara Stokely in it. If abraham Weizfeld PhD reads this he will expect to meet us. Dr. Weizfeld is not an option. He has a zero percent understanding of how things work for us. The Commune of Anarchy has standards for Squatters not just for the Arizona Rebellion, these same Standards apply to the L.A. Underground. The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence was started May 28, 2020 in California. It is just as Anarcho Syndical Boy reported. The name of United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence was actually decided by abraham Weizfeld, Comrade Net, Jason Unruhe the Maoist Rebel and Luke Dublin the Engelsist some time during December 2020. This would have been before December 25, 2020. If we exclude the Demarchist groups then these would be the groups which make up this original United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence founded in California on the date of May 28, 2020. The L.A. Underground, the Arizona Rebellion, the Global Revolutionary Shining Path, the Internationalist Resistance Guard, Panther C.O.D.E, Third World Liberation and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action.The primary editor of the collaboration efforts of the Blogs of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence is M3W Justice. He primary edits for the blogs for the Global Revolutionary Shining Path, the Internationalist Resistance Guard, Panther C.O.D.E, Third World Liberation and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action. The Commune of Anarchy would rather not allow M3W Justice to edit. M3W Justice never made it seem as though he had to edit for anyone. The truth is all of them the Global Revolutionary Shining Path, the Internationalist Resistance Guard, Panther C.O.D.E, Third World Liberation and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action asked for M3W Justice to help maintaining editing for their Blogs. M3W Justice is an expert on the Paradigm Doctrine which is a system of writing or more accurately typing. I studied and learned from Dona Newman how to type in the style of the Paradigm Doctrine. I have much the same view held by Comrade Net about the Paradigm Doctrine. The Paradigm Doctrine is the most redundant anti-creative form of typing.  


Dona Newman is Missing!

Date: December 26, 2023

Time: sometime between 5:30 and 6:50  PM

Location: 7116 N 59th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301-2436

On December 26, 2023 Dona Newman was kidnapped. This was our final place of destination. I had all the Camera work ready. I had taken several pictures of Dona Newman. Some pictures with me standing next to Dona Newman. The driver's name was Clave. I don't know his last name. Clave is someone who knew or maybe does know Yehudah Shlomo. I suspect that Clave is a Spy for the Ultra-Zionist cult known as the Jewish Defense League. The reason I suspect this is because his tune was extremely Anti-Zionist before October 27, 2023. After the events of October 7 the man became sympathetic towards Israelis but seemed to care less and less about Palestinians. Clave insisted he park his Minivan across from the Motel 6 near the Cross Streets of 59th Ave and Glendale. I wish I had bothered to memorize the License Plate Number. I never thought to do so. Before October 7 Clave seemed to be a radically Anti-Zionist Modern Orthodox Jew. After October 7 he began to sound more like a Kahanist as the days went bye. December 22, 2023 is when I started to notice the change in his rhetoric. He gave me the impression of someone who hides his true Zionist feelings around Leftists. When he parked his Minivan in the Lot from across the Street I thought that he was settled there. I think this is what he wanted me to think. I walked over to the Front Desk where someone checks in. Clave was going to pay for the both of us as he had with several other Hotels. After talking to the person up front, it became obvious I was not going to be able to get me and Dona in this Hotel. So I went across the Street to the Lot. I saw Dona Newman on the front right side of the Minivan pounding on the Window. I saw Clave with his hands on the string wheel. He drove out of there so fast. I have not seen Dona Newman ever since then. All of the Computer and Camera equipment bought for me from Yehudah Shlomo was in that Minivan. Journals, Photographs, the Hormone Supplements I make, the Personal Information which Ms. Newman must keep with her at all times, all of it drove away. I tried to run after the Minivan but the speed increased too much for me. Sensitive information about many of us is now in the hands of someone else. Someone who I now suspect is part of the JDL. Dona Newman was removed from every Record Databank we are aware of. Social Security was unable to confirm her existence, yet she has a real Social Security Card, or at least she did when I was around her. The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division claims very strongly Dona Newman is a made up persona even though she has (had) an authentic Driver's License. The Maricopa County Office of Vital Registration claims that there has never been a Dona Newman. I have seen the Birth Certificate proving otherwise. Dona Newman's Birth Certificate shows her born as Helena Dona Sarah Neuman having very precise names of both her father and her mother. I don't recall what these names are. I can only recall Dona Newman's birth name because she gave it out in her infamous blog post Why I started the Bundist Movement with Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Ben-Yahushua https://bundistmovement.blogspot.com/2017/10/why-i-started-bundist-movement-with-dr.html which explains a few details about this very complicated Woman. After December 26, 2023 I looked for Ms. Newman for days. I have not seen Clave since then either. On the date of March 30, 2024 Clave was allegedly seen with Henry Station at 19th AVE and NORTHERN. Henry Station is the person believed by many to have been behind the kidnapping of Eden Moreau on March 12, 2023. I think that Yehudah Shlomo was spied on by many JDL members during the time I knew him when he was here in Arizona. I think that Clave is one of these Spies. Calling Cards from the JDL used to be placed on his Car. Typically a Kahanist flag or spray painted words such as "Palestinian Faggot" or "Nazi Arab" I also was with him when a JDL Fascist came up to us saying a bunch of threatening words which I don't remember.


Description of the Minivan: Tan and Dark Orange with Blue Stripes

Type of Minivan: Unknown 

License Plate Number: Unknown 

Description of Clave: First name allegedly Clave (unknown last name). 6 feet 11 inches tall. Brown Eyes. Light Brown Hair. Skin tone tanish white. sounds like he is gasping for air, raspy voice. Chain smokes Pall Mall Cigarettes. 

Public Statement by Anarcho Syndical Boy

It was February 27, 2024 when Jason Unruhe made a Video reading out publicly a Statement from Anarcho Syndical Boy. Due to Jason Unruhe having problems reading it, Anarcho Syndical Boy posted it for public reading. Then Jason Unruhe placed the link to this blog post in the description of the Video. I have screen saved Dr. Weizfeld's reply. Very strange because our presentation of Dr. Weizfeld has nothing to do with Comrade Net. I am the only one who ever took Comrade Net for his word on the subject of Dr. Weizfeld. Comrade Net thinks very highly of Dr. Weizfeld but to most of us it looks like Dr. Weizfeld controls Comrade Net. I did not believe this before and I still don't believe this. But I began to suspect this a lot last year. It would seem Comrade Net is a Patsy for Dr. Weizfeld and Stoned Soviet. I don't believe this to be true but I understand perfectly how my Comrades have come to believe this. I can not convince the others Net is not a Patsy for Dr. Weizfeld. As for Stoned Soviet her resent public slander of Net should indicate that Comrade Net is not a Patsy for her.

This reply from Dr. Weizfeld is evidence of failing memory. At least this is what most of us believe. Take a good long read of what Anarcho Syndical Boy wrote The Fall of the Bundist Movement https://communeanarchy.blogspot.com/2021/07/the-fall-of-bundist-movement.html where he shares publicly what he thinks of Dr. Weizfeld. Dr. Weizfeld is not the narcissist Anarcho Syndical Boy thinks him to be. Dr. Weizfeld is not the level headed activist Comrade Net claims either. Dr. Weizfeld is simply disconnected. I never wanted to claim this popular opinion of him but I am compelled to. This screenshot shows us Dr. Weizfeld thinks our understanding of him comes from Comrade Net. The truth is I am the only Anarchist who has ever taken Comrade Net's view of Dr. Weizfeld seriously. I have come to conclude Dr. Weizfeld lost touch with reality outside of Quebec. He has no idea how things in the United States work. He probably trusts the mainstream sources or Americans of his age group. There is not even the slightest possibility Dr. Weizfeld understands American Reality. This disconnected reply shows his own dissociating mentality. Many have noticed this behavior from Dr. Weizfeld over the years. This is also why so many refuse to confront Dr. Weizfeld directly. 



RedPagan Corner: Just to Clarify

On the date of February 28, 2024 RedPagan Nikole made a Video cutting ties with Stoned Soviet Kara Stokely. The name of this Video is RedPagan Corner: Just to Clarify prior to this she uploaded a Video called RedPagan Corner: Response to the Commune of Anarchy's Official Statement which had nothing to do with Kara Stokely, but she took it that way. This is at least what was later explained to me. The Video called RedPagan Corner: Just to Clarify was taken very seriously by Anarcho Syndical Boy. Shown here is his reply. Below the reply is another reply from RedPagan. 


The spelling problems from Anarcho Syndical Boy are visible. He struggles greatly with spelling. You can see RedPagan Nikole is very happy to engage with us. I especially want to engage with RedPagan. I have also seen the Videos by Mark Foster. No offense to this Mark but he does not fully understand the situation. We don't want to embarrass Dr. Weizfeld or Comrade Net. The political incompetence of them both is our major complaint. Dr. Weizfeld's endorsement of the PCUSA is also a show of Apathy towards Jason Unruhe. Along with the many sexual abuse survivors coming out of the PCUSA, Dr. Weizfeld shows no empathy for. Anarcho Syndical Boy has every right to make the comparison, what if someone endorsed Gilad Atzmon? How is that Comrade Net simps too much for Dr. Weizfeld, yet as Dr. Weizfeld holds in his alternative reality that Net shapes our point of view? This is insulting to us! We strongly feel that our views have been misrepresented by both Mark Foster and RedPagan. We accept already that there is some sort of misunderstanding. This needs to be cleared up ASAP.


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