Revolutionary Intercommunalism in Arizona

I am the Pink Purple Girl and I will not be silenced by Communists living online. 

Revolutionary Intercommunalism is when National Groups evolve into Communities which evolve beyond Nationhood. This is something taken so seriously by The Commune of Anarchy that all other Anarchists rejecting this position are seen as suspect. I am a Trans Woman, considered Non Binary but I reject the term Non Binary. I am not a Transfeminine or Transfemme, I take issue with these words. I don't believe in surgery. Full transition can exist without it. Kelley Seven disagreed with me. Kelley Seven had the entire surgery done for her, she did not have to pay for it, two other Trans Women helped start a big donation for Kelley at a Potluck where food was provided and donations made for her surgery. Ever since Jason Unruhe promoted Ewoks Unhinged in 2020 there was a great euphoria at the old Squatter Houses. BLevel and Darksnovia were the most interesting pair on YouTube. So much has happened and so many promises made by Jason Unruhe, Luke Dublin and Comrade Net that have not actually been fulfilled. Comrade Net placated to Stoned Soviet but now stoned soviet thinks that Comrade Net dragged Darksnovia into a conflict. This is delusional thinking because all Comrade Net has done is placate to Stoned. What Stoned needs to know is that Street Cadres like Darksnovia, and we liked him before we ever heard of Stoned. I am not looking for conflict. I just wish that Dr. Weizfeld understood that this Convergence is not online. It can be very difficult to get in touch with anyone. The Convergence Conventions trust Darksnovia over Comrade Net. Comrade Net's reputation is one of placating to Internet people. Comrade #3 and I do not always agree but we both agree the Internet Communists are supposed to work for us not the other way around. I don't have any hate towards Stoned, I just don't consider her to be capable of doing direct action. Maybe I am wrong, she can prove me wrong. But I don't need to prove anything. I am very well known. I am the Pink Purple Girl. Comrade Net screwed up. Maoist Rebel News was supposed to be the News Network of Luke Dublin. This was all changed when Comrade Net made Stoned Soviet Kara a line-holder. Democratic centralism really screwed things up. If Stoned Soviet denounces Comrade Net, it will be Comrade Net's fault. Jason Unruhe was mostly interested in the Arizona Rebellion so was the falcone general. Talking about what has happened out here is important. I still find Stoned to be lacking in maturity. I consider Comrade Net to be compromised in his principles. I seriously doubt that Comrade #3 takes online groups seriously. Even though I have disagreed with Comrade #3 many times, I think he can be wise. He foresaw the falling of the MRN Network. I was not there for this but I know that Comrade #3 was trying to talk to both Stoned and Luke. As it was told to me by Comrade #3, he could not get a word in edgewise. Stoned Soviet is a left opportunist, I am not the only one who thinks this. Comrade Net has done nothing but placate to her. If the Stoned Soviet is not a left opportunist then she can prove it to me.


  1. Hey PPG, It's Nikole. I am reaching out because Net told me you have wanted to speak with me for some time. I can be reached via email at I'm also on twitter, Insta, and WIRE under the same username. I can also be reached on skype as "norcalnik". I hope to hear from you!


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