The Police and Human Trafficking

Lisa Wagner is deeply involved with Hell's Angels. She also has a lot of clients who are part of the Phoenix Police and Glendale Police looking for thrills involving underage children. 

The biggest reason why not many people want to deal with this is that it would probably cause the Police to become even more hated than they already are. The Police are based on Colonial Garrisons. They are not even necessary to Society. There are many Cops who carry out hits for Lisa Wagner including my father. Several times Lisa Wagner has been rumored to be dead. Each time I have heard this it has turned out not to be true. The guy in the photo with Lisa is not my father. I just think I should mention that. Many who see this will know exactly who he is. I know that what I am showing here will start shit. I say bring it on fuckers. Midnight Productions was started in the late 1970s as a cell within Hell's Angels selling Cocaine. They made porn in Studios often behind Auto Parts Stores. Jared 88 is a personal Hitman answering to Lisa Wagner. Although I think that Jared 88 is dead. I think he is dead now because someone else is selling the snuff films of torture and murder of Trans Teenagers. This type of Snuff Film is still very popular to the clients who enjoy such inhuman "entertainment" but it is not as popular as it was. The Rape Snuff Films of young Mexican Minors is starting to become much more popular. Several of the members of both the Aryan Brotherhood and the Woods are part of Midnight Productions. Both the National Socialist Movement and the Jewish Defense League are directly connected to Midnight Productions. It is not that Nazis and Zionists like each other. More like alliances between Nazis and Zionists remain just as convenient as it had been in World War II. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was a Global Jewish Outreach Network which existed from 2009 to 2019. Their services was mostly done for people outside of Arizona. The Head Quarters of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was in Phoenix, Arizona. There was one particular service that the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement did for people living in Arizona. This service was a dedication to exposing Midnight Productions. This in my opinion is the entire reason why the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was destroyed. Many will look at this and mock what I have revealed. Those who are in disbelief about Zionist-Nazi connections don't understand the difference between Judaism and Zionism. I do not support any Religion because I am an Anarchist but I have known about the difference between Judaism and Zionism for a long time. The Bundist Movement or Bundist Movement Jewish Liberation and Anti-Zionist Action should not be confused with the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement had eight members. Dr. Weizfeld, Dona Newman, Comrade Net, Hannah Toff, Isaiah Kamatstein, Miriam Emesberg, Uri Adiah and Marvin Eliyahu. The Bundist Movement Jewish Liberation and Anti-Zionist Action was Dona Newman's protest Organization which she modeled after the Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation. For Dona, this was her Jewish equivalent to the Mexica Movement. The Bundist Movement Jewish Liberation and Anti-Zionist Action did a lot of protesting and education from 2009 to 2019. The Bundist Movement Jewish Liberation and Anti-Zionist Action worked also exclusively in Arizona but they could at times be found in California too. Bundism is not compatible with Zionism or White Nationalism. Zionism and White Nationalism both fit nicely in with the degeneracy of Human Trafficking. The State of Israel has a record for experimenting on both Sephardic Jews and Mizrahic Jews. Yemenite Jews were often kidnapped by Zionist forces. This is all a matter of public record. The connection between Zionists and Nazis is also a matter of public record. There is a Book which I encourage anyone reading my Blog to read. The Transfer Agreement is a Book which is very well sourced. If you can buy that Book just buy it. There is also the fact that Zionist have been training American Police for a long time. Which is also a matter of public record. Both Hell's Angels and Midnight Productions remain under the protection of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department. This should not shock anyone because from 1993 to 2017 Joe Arpaio was the head of it. Many have connected these dots before but did nothing about it because the very facts show the true colors of Americanism. The Snuff Films involving the murder of Trans Teenagers goes way back. At least as far as 2002. But it only truly became the most popular porn product of Midnight Productions starting in 2015. While this is still the most popular porn product of Midnight Productions, its popularity is in decline. The Rape films of Mexican children both boys and girls is becoming more and more in demand. It is true that the most effective way that the Lieutenants of Midnight Productions such as Eric Scareletto control their Sex Slaves is usually through Heroin. Eric Scareletto is the most well known Lieutenant of Midnight Productions more like a Captain of Midnight Productions. I do wish to make clear that saying Lieutenant and Captain in regards to these inhuman beasts is not as they would refer to themselves. This is Lumpen Anarchist talk. I need to clarify this because they don't use the rank and file system which is typical of any Militia. Midnight Productions is not in anyway a Militia. With all my knowledge of them I still don't know how they place their ranks. But they do have Ranks. Lisa Wagner is one of the highest in their Ranks. I do not think she is the Monarch but she is very fucking high up on this repulsive food chain of degenerates. She grooms young girls. Even girls as young as 5 years old. Some of the Sex Slaves which they do have a big Market for are believed to be groomed from infancy or stolen at a very young age. I think both is actually true.  


  1. Could you contact me? I would like to talk with you about this subject in private.


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