The criticizing of Comrade Net is way overdue

I ran into Comrade Net on May 29, 2023. This was Memorial Day. I work extra hard on Memorial Day. 


I have no respect for its status as a Holiday. I work to vandalize Pro-American Iconography. This is not as easy as some say it is. No one wants to get arrested for something as trivial as vandalizing American symbols. Plus unlike the July 4th Holiday, Memorial Day does not display as much colorful Americanism. So vandalizing American symbols on Memorial Day takes more effort. I found Net under a bridge we sometimes meet at. We started talking to each other and then he started to piss me off. Comrade Net has become a bit old in my opinion. Really he is pushing forty. I am not passing any sort of judgment on him but he thinks differently than he had in 2020. At some point he interrogated me wanting to know why Dona Newman couldn't just get a bus ride to the border of Canada. That Woman is a mess. She has a lot of information about herself in a fireproof box. Her information has been removed from public record. This problem is something rather common in Arizona. There are political groups which almost faded out had it not been for the Money that Dona Newman still had access too. Panther C.O.D.E did not rescue the Convergence Conventions by themselves, the rest of Dona Newman's Money was used to help make sure of this. From the viewpoint of Dona Newman helping to rescue these United Front Rallies is her attempt at redemption. Shortly after May 27, 2019 Dona Newman's information was removed from all known public record. I asked Comrade Net “Are you asking or is Dr. Weizfeld asking?” which caused him to be dead silent. None of her Bank Accounts exist anymore. She had a stroke because of this. Dr. Weizfeld should remember this. Then again Dr. Weizfeld has become well known partly because of his noticeable short term memory on anything that matters. I don't think this is deliberate. I don't think Dr. Weizfeld is the Narcissist so many make him out to be. There was a person who was holding a lot of money for Dona Newman. Even though the Bank Accounts of Dona Newman no longer exist, she still had access to a lot of Money through a Person who was holding Money for her. I don't know what to call such an individual so I will just say Money Holder. This money holder eagerly gave this money to Panther C.O.D.E. A lot of people want to wash their hands of Dona including Comrade Net. I got to know Dona's money holder very well when I was the one taking care of her. Dona called her “My Lifesaver” which sounds weird to me. So because I don't know what a One-Person Bank Account is called, I can only call such a person a Money Holder. 

This Post by Dona Newman is accurate however her position on Dr. Weizfeld is a bit slanderous. She is correct about Dr. Weizfeld being a bit too dismissive, she is also correct to object to Bernie Sanders. But to say that Dr. Weizfeld is an Elitist is incorrect and cliché. This is also when I began to start taking care of Dona Newman. Not full time though. There was a transition period. PSFM was taking care of Dona. Then I was taking care of her. The transition between PSFM's care for Dona and my care for her was full of friction. She started to severally degenerate in 2021. 

This Post by Dona Newman has disinformation in it I was letting the Anarcho Syndical Boy take care of her because I had things to take care of at the time. I caught Covid-19 and had to isolate so this put the Anarcho Syndical Boy in charge of her care. Dona does not even mention this. She also lies a bit too. It is true that both Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah had known Dr. Weizfeld on Facebook. Both also had Phone conversations with him in the past. But Dona Newman has never spoken to Dr. Weizfeld on the Phone. Comrade Net also never inquired to Dr. Weizfeld about this. By the year of 2021, Dona Newman no longer was sure she wanted to go to Canada. In fact she has gone back and forth on whether or not she wants to do this at all throughout 2021 to this year of 2023. She probably knows that Dr. Weizfeld will see her for the manipulative cunt she really is. Her health is worse than ever now. We can not just send her on a Bus. Comrade Net knows this but instead decided to bullshit me. He has not bothered to explain this to Dr. Weizfeld. It is important for me to mention Comrade Net owes Dona Newman nothing. I am going to force Dona Newman on Camera. Black Minister 13 is packing up for Chicago, he will not be leaving Arizona right away because he is getting me antiquated with the person who is now taking care of Dona Newman. I am homeless. I can not afford a Hotel. Black Minister 13 is putting down Money for this.   

Comrade Net made a lot of promises to us. I know Net very well. He intended to keep these promises but now he has become too burnt out to do anything. This is his own fault. Comrade Net took on way too much at once. This is a serious issue I have with him. I have only updated the clarified about Dona Newman for the sake of Dr. Weizfeld's sanity. On June 8, 2019 three members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union were murdered by Jared 88. Yesterday was June 8, 2023. On May 29, 2023 I made Comrade Net promise to buy me breakfast on the anniversary of the murder of the three members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. Comrade Net kept this appointment with me. Comrade Net was confiding in me about frustrations he has with historical revisionism. He did the same thing to me on May 29, 2023. Comrade Net has made the claim many times that monogamy is organic in humanity. This is a fucking lie. Men invented monogamy to enslave Women. This is what I hate about Demarchists. They act like the Ancients were better than Modern people. Anything from Anarchists and Marxists of the 19th Century is treated by Demarchists as historically revisionist and eurocentric. Demarchists confuse the Enlightenment with Historical Revisionism. I am not a Marxist but I will be blunt about facts here.   Frederick Engels was the first ever to record the true history of the family. To disagree with Frederick Engels on the history of the family even a little bit is historical revisionism not the other way around. 

No one can bullshit me and say I am only taking this position so I can justify having casual sex. I am an Asexual. I hate sex. I don't want sex. I think sex is disgusting. So believe me! Frederick Engels while not always correct, he was correct about the history of the family. Eurocentricity is not the same thing as Facts. Education reached its heights in Europe. This is just fact. Eurocentricity is about seeing from the lenses of European Culture. Europe had a lack of Culture in the 19th Century. All knowledge and learning came to Europe at that time. There was also a lot of chauvinism in Europe at this time. But the Golden Age of Leftist learning also took place during this time. No one makes this distinction anymore.

The location of this gathering of World knowledge was Europe. This fact is not eurocentricity.

Comrade Net believes too much in fairy tales. The Family is a form of enslavement. The Communal Families made by Anarchists are the greatest leaps away from Family as the World has known it.

Comrade Net needs to stop trying to make me watch Videos about monogamous Primates like Gibbons on his Phone. I don't need to investigate Gibbons. They are not monogamous. Comrade Net is literally making this up. I criticize Comrade Net for living in a fantasy World. Wasting my time with promises he can not keep and maintaining that the Enlightenment was a time of Historical Revisionism. I am grateful to Comrade Net for the Denney's meal yesterday. I am grateful for his friendship and comradery. But I am sick and tired of him defending his stupid World view. He is the real historical revisionist for being a Demarchist. I respect the Demarchists because they are very Humanitarian. But they have no grounds to tell us we are wrong. I can take Marxists way more seriously when it comes to history than I ever can indulge in Demarchist delusions. These attempts to preserve religion and family are reactionary. I do not need to investigate already discredited lies. Dr. Weizfeld was more interested in communicating with me before Comrade Net decided to get angry with him. I understand why Comrade Net got upset with Dr. Weizfeld. I fully do. But it was not that big of a deal. Comrade Net made it a big deal. I am more worthy to criticize Comrade Net than anyone. I have now. I do not fucking care anymore. The Arizona Rebellion is part of the United International Communalist Convergence. The Cleric of Public Relations is a great Man but he has turned off the Chairman of the Revolution. I am so sick of this bullshit. I am willing to repress my pride and tolerate nationality for the sake of having a United Front. Comrade Net has fucked up. He took on too much and he should talk to others Demarchists like himself when he is feeling depressed. I know this Blog Post is erratic and mixed up. Internet access for the homeless is not impossible but it is difficult. I am writing from a friend's House. I don't know what we are going to do about Dona Newman now that Dr. Weizfeld has closed the door of opportunity on her. This is Dona Newman's own fault. She has not been consistent. She never wrote DaStoned Soviet the testimonials she promised to her. But I will force Dona's face on Camera. I will publicly interrogate her. I will force her to speak so that she can explain herself to everyone. She will have to explain why she did all the terrible things she has done. I don't understand why Dr. Weizfeld cared to take her in the first place. Her attempts at redemption just are not enough. A lot of people I know are looking forward to this. This means I will be seen more too. Comrade Net thinks this is too much of a risk for me to take. Yes it is, but that is for me to decide not him. 


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