Combat Democratic Centralism PART 2

On May 17, 2023 I met with my friend Comrade Net. Unfortunately he did his usual sucking up to DaStoned Soviet. In the past Comrade Net squired for Dr. Weizfeld and Ms. Newman all the time. From 2021 to the first half of 2022 Net squired again, he squired for DaStoned Soviet. As a matter of fact, the real reason why Comrade Net retired from Maoist Rebel News was so he could relieve himself of the responsibility of making sure the MRN Network kept their promises to us. I am still very angry at Comrade Net for this. How could he take the position of an Online Marxist over a Street Cadre? I am going to teach Comrade Net a very overdue lesson by revealing some things he does not want revealed. 


I was the one who first exposed Comrade Net to the YouTube Channel which has given some of the best insight into Midnight Productions. AZruction is the YouTube Channel. This is the link to it so to everyone he showed it to, you have me to thank for that. AZruction speaks like a typical Ghetto Man, homophobic language but not because of hatred of Gays. I am an expert on Midnight Productions. Comrade Net knows more than the average person does about Midnight Productions. Never would I tolerate a statement which would contradict this. But if you think that Comrade Net is an expert on Midnight Productions then you are very stupid. Comrade Net knew that Midnight Productions changed its name in recent years. What he did not know was what their new name is. That is until I told him. Their new name is Daylight Productions. Most of the Homeless aware of Daylight Productions still call it Midnight Productions. I plan to interview AZruction if it is possible. AZruction is the only outspoken person other than myself who knows a lot about Midnight Productions. I know a lot more than AZruction does about them because my father is a Policeman who is also part of this Human Trafficking Syndicate. My father started pimping me out when I was 12 years old. One of the controversial things about Anarchists who embrace The Commune of Anarchy is that we burn our Birth Certificates, Identification Cards/Driver's Licenses and our Social Security Cards as part of the ceremony proving our loyalty to The Commune of Anarchy. We don't like Anarchists who can fall back on some silly privileged safety. We have some exceptions to this, such as Corporal Kat. The very clever and talented poser Optimistic Communist formerly known as Obnoxious Anarchist used to be one of these Anarchists. We used to consider him such an exception but he showed his true colors when he ditched Maoist Rebel News. He was going to be the one representing us in ANTIFA Vanguard of Education but he decided instead to disappear. The best written information about Midnight Productions is on a Blog sponsored by the Federated MLM Cadres called Poc Eral, this is the link to the Blog this really is the best Blog which deals with Midnight Productions. Poc Eral should not have interviewed those Security Guards because while he was most likely told a lot of facts by them, they probably slipped in several lies so that he would include them in his reports. Many of those Prison Guards he spoke to do that sort of shit just so to ensure that a few identifiable errors can be highlighted so that the entire report is disregarded. There have been Blogs like Poc Eral before but they have all vanished. Only silly Conspiracy Theory Blogs providing disinformation about Midnight Productions can ever be allowed to stay on the Internet. There are two reasons why the Poc Eral Blog was never taken down. The first reason is the direct intervention of Jason Unruhe. The second reason is that this upset the only Non-American member of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement who just so happens to be a PhD who knows both Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein. In my opinion May 27, 2019 is when this Human Trafficking Syndicate fucked themselves. But none of this is what I mean by revealing things that Comrade Net does not want me to say. As ridiculous and reactionary as the theories of Mason Steiner aka RedScare TV are, I actually at first thought that he cared. But he really doesn't. Corporal Kat is correct, Mason Steiner only had Net come to Ohio for reasons of clout chasing. Comrade Net's Wife paid his way to Ohio. Mason was supposed to pay for the entire thing but claimed he was short of money so he asked Net's Wife to pay for the trip. He promised her that he would pay her back. Then he told his Wife it was difficult to pay back such money. Even though Mason always has a lot of money he could neither pay for Net's trip nor would he pay back his Wife as promised. His Wife told Mason that she learned a lesson, not to trust people who make promises. This put Comrade Net's Wife in serious debt. Comrade Net did not stick up for himself or his Wife. RedScare TV and Fellow Traveler are Fascists after all. The Fellow Traveler is a LARPer. He seems to have done some direct action in the past but it was not that significant. The Fellow Traveler is a junkie who won over many of us, including Kelley Seven. He is abusive and he keeps revealing himself as a Transphobe who pretends to care about Trans People. Mason Steiner had a few email interactions with Panther C.O.D.E, then he lost their email address. He has constantly lied about this too. He acts like he has had zero contact with them. I get the strange feeling that Mason Steiner might also be a junkie. The MRN Network was destroyed by placing the type of faith in them that they did. The Fellow Traveler even claimed that Comrade Net is part of the Arizona Rebellion. But he is not. The MRN Network fell apart due to democratic centralism. Maoist Rebel News was going to be the safe space for not just Maoists, this was going to be the place for real Anarchists, other types of Socialist were supposed to be involved too. But everything just fell apart due to the rules of democratic centralism. RedScare TV and Fellow Traveler are Fascists after all.I love Kara DaStoned Soviet but when Comrade Net was squiring for her he started adopting her words and phrases. Comrade Net once told me that he was more open to Stoned than me because Stoned was Lumpen before I was. It was even implied that I have no right to speak for the Lumpenproletariat because of my Aristocrat upbringing. If this is true then Stoned has no right to claim to be Pan-Celtic given that she has no connection to that heritage. Truthfully I don't believe in Nationality. But I do realize that it will not just go away. Anarchism must spread in order for both Religion and Nation to fade. Attempting to forcibly remove Religion and Nation is wrong. Doing this would cause collective trauma. The spread of Anarchism will cause Religion and Nation to in time fade away. Marginalized Nations need more understanding but to be an Anarchist you have to rid yourself of your Nationality. Some may wish to know why do I think that Anarcho Bundism should be allowed to exist. The reason is simple, I have come to see that Jews are different. It is actually true that other marginalized groups almost universally hate them. The Maoist Rebel News would still be in operation if not for the democratic centralism involved. Even if you could somehow justify democratic centralism, how can it apply to a News Network? Even if you could how can you rest it on the shoulders of one person? Kara only did what she thought had to be done for Maoist Rebel News. This is Comrade Net's fault for making her the line holder. I am in the process of figuring out what type of writing style I will be using.  I have been practicing for months. Sometimes when I get emotional I fuck this up. I am most likely going to write in a style which expresses my feelings and thoughts I have in the types of environment I always find myself in. After May 27, 2019 Dona Newman was being sheltered by the People Social Freedom Movement. After that I was in a Hotel with her paid for by some of the old guard members of the People Social Freedom Movement. But when the People Social Freedom Movement was no longer able to pay for this. Dona would sometimes go crazy in the middle of the night. She would rush out of the Hotel and I would often have to drag her back in. We got kicked out of a few places. She then sought asylum with Panther C.O.D.E and they took her in. Black Minister 13 is getting ready to go back to Chicago. He is paying for a Hotel for me and her. This will be paid in advance for a year and half. The agenda will be to get Dona Newman to Canada for her own safety. During this time I plan to PodCast. I will also make sure that Dona is in some of the PodCast whether she wants to be or not. She has made things difficult for everyone and if she was captured she could leak out information about many of my Comrades, some of the Black Panthers and Comrade Net's family. This can not be allowed. If I force her to put herself out there then some things might change. Dona Newman is a Transphobic Cunt. She also made promises to Stoned which she never delivered on. Maybe that is why Stoned is un-principled when it comes to keeping promises. For a Lumpenproletarian she sure seems to have forgotten that if there is one thing you do not do is break promises with us. DaStoned Soviet owes me. She needs to stop being reactionary. She seems to lack maturity. I have told this to Net. I don't know if he took me seriously or not. I did not want to stir the pot as I have. I simply don't like to put up with all of this hypocrisy. Democratic centralism has ruined Maoist Rebel News completely.


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