Combat Democratic Centralism PART 1

On May 17, 2023 I met with my friend Comrade Net. Unfortunately he did his usual sucking up to DaStoned Soviet. In the past Comrade Net squired for Dr. Weizfeld and Ms. Newman all the time. From 2021 to the first half of 2022 Net squired again, he squired for DaStoned Soviet. There was a project which was apparently in the works for the MRN Network which would get into the details of the suicide of Kelley Seven, the actual harm caused by BLevel to homeless people was never officially put on Jason Unruhe's Channel. These were promises made by Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin shortly before DaStoned Soviet even joined in on this. DaStoned Soviet formally known as Lumpen-ThirdWorldist has come out as a Woman recently. I congratulate her on unmasking. I have already decided that I am going to be her CoHost. I work on the Streets. I am homeless. 


She has a place. I will be in a hotel for a significant period of time which will allow me to PodCast with Kara (DaStoned Soviet) for six months. Kara has no say in it. I have already decided to be her CoHost. She owes me for interrupting unfinished goals from those of us who actually do direct action. I am not going to lie about any of this just to make myself seem morally superior to Kara. Every wrong Kara has done to those of us who actually do direct action by impeding our work, can not be considered as her fault. All of this is really Comrade Net's fault. Comrade Net decided to make her the line holder of MRN. I don't want to mislead anyone by accidentally reinforcing the perception that Comrade Net controlled the MRN Network from behind the scenes. He did not. The pathetic truth is that Comrade Net and Luke Dublin are the only ones who can be called Street Cadres. This should have actually canceled out any need for Stoned's special authority over the rhetoric of Maoist Rebel News to begin with. As far as I am concerned this proves democratic centralism is reactionary. A Maoist I know as Black Minister 13 claims that line holders are not actually part of democratic centralism. Black Minister 13 told me that having a line holder in any organization is something Trotskyists came up with in the late 1970s. I don't buy into this at all. I am fucking tired of all these attempts to justify democratic centralism. Democratic centralism is when you have a teacher/leader conclude what the masses think in accordance with Marxist opinions in order to negate reality, this always revolves around one or two or maybe rarely three persons. Marxism is called Marxism because Marx. Leninism is called Leninism because Lenin. Maoism is called Maoism because Mao. This is the problem with every form of Marxism. Marxism has Prophets. This is the most reactionary part about Marxism, its name. Marxism is not really Scientific Socialism. Marxism is Practical Socialism. Anarchism is not really Utopian Socialism. Anarchism is Humanitarian Socialism. Anarchism was underdeveloped during the days of Lenin and Makhno. Unlike Marxism, Anarchism has existed as far back as the foundation days of class. As the ethical stance which is Anarchism became a Philosophy in the 19th Century, too many Middle Class Warriors decided that they should author Anarchist literature. Marxists don't care to admit that Anarchism was mostly misrepresented throughout the 19th Century and most of the 20th Century until the 1980s. Karl Marx hated the Lumpenproletariat even though he was one. Karl Marx also hated Jews even though he was one. Bringing this up to Marxists does nothing to cause Marxists to correct themselves. Most will come up with some insane explanations on how the Anti-Lumpen Speech of Karl Marx was Pro-Lumpen Speech. Marxists have nothing to say about the racist positions Karl Marx held. Usually they pretend that those racist positions somehow in some magical way are anti-racist positions. It is a historic fact that Karl Marx supported the USA annexation of Mexico. Somehow in some way, we don't really know how, the USA annexation of Mexico is revolutionary, at least that is what Marxists say. I know that Comrade Net knows this. So why does he have to placate to Marxists? I don't hate Maoists, they are for the most part the only Marxists worth my time. But they never bother to look beyond their own ideas. They claim to be Pluralists. They only try to be Pluralists, they try and fail. As Anarchists, we respect the attempt made by Maoists to be as Pluralist as Anarchists. But we know how much of a failure this has been just as it always will be. On behalf of the Arizona Rebellion I wish to point out that we read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. We read several other Marxist thinkers too. The very ones the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists read. But for some reason Anarchists are whatever these dead Failed Prophets of Marxism claim Anarchists to be. Never are Anarchists telling the truth about Anarchists and Anarchism. Thus says the Holy Children of DEMOCRATIC Central-ism. The majority of Marxists exist only online. The majority of Anarchists work in real life. Only a small minority of Anarchists are online trolls. Only a small minority of Marxists (Maoists usually) work in real life. This is because the social praxis of Anarchism works far better than the social praxis of Maoism. I want to express myself today. As flustered as this makes me. I love Jason Unruhe because he did so much for us. Even though Luke Dublin is also guilty of Squiring to DaStoned Soviet, Luke Dublin remains the ideal Cisgender Man. Even though DaStoned Soviet destroyed Maoist Rebel News with her lack of praxis, she is not to blame for this. Comrade Net is to blame. I am not trying to make it seem as if Comrade Net meant for this to happen. But let's be real, Comrade Net should have known better. Organizing on the Streets is not the same as organizing online. Comrade Net is bad with Computers. He really should not have done anything with a Leftist News Network. He also knows better than to go along with democratic centralism. I love Comrade Net. Net is a very dedicated Socialist. But we all know that Comrade Net was mentally breaking down when he tried to help Jason and Luke build up Maoist Rebel News. Part 2 will be coming out in a few days. Part 2 will be much longer.


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