
Showing posts from May, 2023

Fascism and Human Trafficking

I am writing this in memory of the murders which took place on May 27, 2019. It was this very event which provoked the founding of the Arizona Rebellion which I am a part of. NSM Neo-Nazis and JDL Zionists are linked through Human Trafficking. This has become a bit too obvious for the common bigot to disregard as a Conspiracy Theory. This is most evident in Arizona.  Allow me to turn your World upside down with reality. This is a quote from Poc Eral: The National Social Americanist Party is a hidden organization, not a registered political party. Let me explain how I know this. The National Social Americanist Party controls the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. It is indeed an inside source that has leaked to me this insight, prior to this I considered this to be mere rumor. But this is no rumor the hyper-fanatical fractional cell of the National Socialist Movement known as the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard is the proxy of the National Social Americanist Party, I s

The Police and Human Trafficking

Lisa Wagner is deeply involved with Hell's Angels. She also has a lot of clients who are part of the Phoenix Police and Glendale Police looking for thrills involving underage children.  The biggest reason why not many people want to deal with this is that it would probably cause the Police to become even more hated than they already are. The Police are based on Colonial Garrisons. They are not even necessary to Society. There are many Cops who carry out hits for Lisa Wagner including my father. Several times Lisa Wagner has been rumored to be dead. Each time I have heard this it has turned out not to be true. The guy in the photo with Lisa is not my father. I just think I should mention that. Many who see this will know exactly who he is. I know that what I am showing here will start shit. I say bring it on fuckers. Midnight Productions was started in the late 1970s as a cell within Hell's Angels selling Cocaine. They made porn in Studios often behind Auto Parts Stores. Jared 8

Combat Democratic Centralism PART 2

On May 17, 2023 I met with my friend Comrade Net. Unfortunately he did his usual sucking up to DaStoned Soviet. In the past Comrade Net squired for Dr. Weizfeld and Ms. Newman all the time. From 2021 to the first half of 2022 Net squired again, he squired for DaStoned Soviet. As a matter of fact, the real reason why Comrade Net retired from Maoist Rebel News was so he could relieve himself of the responsibility of making sure the MRN Network kept their promises to us. I am still very angry at Comrade Net for this. How could he take the position of an Online Marxist over a Street Cadre? I am going to teach Comrade Net a very overdue lesson by revealing some things he does not want revealed.    I was the one who first exposed Comrade Net to the YouTube Channel which has given some of the best insight into Midnight Productions. AZruction is the YouTube Channel. This is the link to it so to everyone he showed it to, you have me to thank for that. AZr

Combat Democratic Centralism PART 1

On May 17, 2023 I met with my friend Comrade Net. Unfortunately he did his usual sucking up to DaStoned Soviet. In the past Comrade Net squired for Dr. Weizfeld and Ms. Newman all the time. From 2021 to the first half of 2022 Net squired again, he squired for DaStoned Soviet. There was a project which was apparently in the works for the MRN Network which would get into the details of the suicide of Kelley Seven, the actual harm caused by BLevel to homeless people was never officially put on Jason Unruhe's Channel. These were promises made by Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin shortly before DaStoned Soviet even joined in on this. DaStoned Soviet formally known as Lumpen-ThirdWorldist has come out as a Woman recently. I congratulate her on unmasking. I have already decided that I am going to be her CoHost. I work on the Streets. I am homeless.    She has a place. I will be in a hotel for a significant period of time which will allow me to PodCast with Kara (DaStoned Soviet) for six mon

The Pink Purple Girl Returns

I am the Pink Purple Girl. I was warned over and over again by Comrade Net not to show my face. Even if showing my face would help our situation, the risk is considered too great. I have decided to take a middle ground approach. I am going to show my face through pink and purple filters. With as much respect to Comrade Net as I have, I do not answer to him. Those who work through social media are to serve people like me. Especially if they claim to be Left Wing News. I have extreme respect for Jason Unruhe. I love Jason Unruhe. Jason Unruhe attempted to make Maoist Rebel News into an Antifa Resistance Journalist Network. This seems to have fallen apart. People have no pluralism anymore.  Most likely because they can not keep their word on certain things. The falling of Maoist Rebel News as a Network is the fault of Comrade Net. I denounce the Obnoxious Anarchist. He turned against his audience by changing his name to Optimistic Communist. Street Anarchists still have no representat