Voting in Arizona is not worth it

Voting in Arizona is not worth it. Can I be more clear? None of the Arizona Candidates running for their Offices of Oppression have the interests of the poor and destitute in mind. None of these Capitalists are options. As much as it is tempting to say "Anyone but Blake Masters" this type of thinking has led to a Totalitarian tip toe. It is time that we collectively grow up. Voting within The State is childish. Clearly Americans are Childish spoiled brats who can barely understand reality. That is no excuse though. It falls to the Lumpenproletariat to put an end to this madness.

Voting in any Settler-Colonial Country is treason against the Indigenous, Japan included. We must engage in Direct Democratic Civil Society free from Market and State forces alike. This means that Insurrection is the answer. Always we are told that if we don't like the System that we should vote to change it. This is irrational thinking. I have never voted in my life and this is not something which can be negotiated. We need to spread the boycott of voting within State structures not just Arizona, not just America, not just Settler-Colonial Countries but all throughout the World. We need Revolution not Reform. That is why the theory behind The Commune of Anarchy encourages voting outside what is perceived as "OFFICIAL" basing our democratic decisions instead on local democratic assemblies within the Civil Society. Despite many disagreements between us and Comrade #3 we engage with Demarchists in such Insurrection. At the heart of The Commune of Anarchy is something we call Democratic Insurrection. The Demarchists call this Demarchy. Demarchy is not Anarchy. Anarchy is a Stateless Government of the People which in its beginnings must be led by the Lumpenproletariat. Demarchy is the Demarchist version of Democratic Insurrection. Bernie Sanders was put up as a Candidate to keep the Masses away from Revolution. Bernie Sanders would have been another Barack Obama. Under the Terror Rein of Barack Obama the Bush Wars not only continued but expanded. Things are only getting worse. The biggest culprit to this lazy Counter Revolution is Reform. Has Voting given the Native Americans back their Land? No, it has only led to more liquidating of their Culture. There is a reason why the failed repetitive voting continues. It is not just First World Privilege. It is not just Capitalist Realism. It is fear of losing control over Culture. We Anarchists have historically been some of the most guilty of this. Despite the fact that ideologically we are the most opposed to Voting in such Governments we tend to vote out of fear of losing control over something we never even had control over. We don't want Religion to continue to exist. we don't want Nations to exist either. Yet let us not forget that the more we take spaces of Land to install a Government of Anarchy with an Economy of Communism, the more attractive this will become. Given time Religions and Nations will melt away. anarchism peacefully replaces this out of popularity. We must never forget that despite our disapproval of Religion, that we ideologically can not force its removal. the same is true of Nationalities. Anarchism is a process which starts before Revolution even happens. The more we educate the more our positions become more favorable than these collective fictions. There is no point to voting back in Roe versus Wade. If anything now is a time to show how much better Society is with Socialism. Abortion and other healthcare issues must never be left up to a vote. Human Rights are not negotiable. Why must we vote for Human Rights when we could just fight for it. Fight for it through Protests and Civil Disobedience. Fight for it by educating The People. Democratic Insurrection is the answer. Not voting. I can think of nothing more inhumane than voting over collective Human Rights. Soon it will be up to a Vote as to whether or not the Sick and Disabled have Rights of participation in Society. Welcome to the disease of Eugenics and Populism. Revolution or Totalitarianism! There must never be Compromise! Ouir rights are not to be made to be at the mercy of selfish Voters. The only true Democracy is Direct Democracy. Down with The Republic!


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