Corporal Kat

My Solidarity goes out to Corporal Kat the Anarcho Bundist. Kat has been trying to broker for us for a while now but there are individuals who don't understand how much they undermine our success in getting the word out on Revolutionary Squatter Houses. Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin have done their best to explain to their own Network why what we say matters. All of the members of Maoist Rebel News care a great detail about our struggle but only Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin actually have been known to keep their word. They still will keep their word and their Line Holder The Lumpen-ThirdWorldist will have to learn the difference between protecting what Maoists call the Mass Line and dictating to Cadres and Partisans, but this is not the message where I am going to be criticizing The Lumpen-ThirdWorldist formally known as DaStoned Soviet. This is the message of full recognition to Corporal Kat. I recognize them and their efforts.

Corporal Kat has been synthesizing the theory of The Commune of Anarchy with the theory of The Bundist Movement. Corporal Kat theorizes that Demarchism is Collectivism in denial. According to Corporal Kat there are Communists, Bundists and Collectivists. I am going to explain Kat's Theory the best I can. Some of this I agree with but some of this I disagree with. However the disagreements between myself and them formalize the Anarchist Dialectic.  

I will do my very best to explain what I call Kat Theory. I don't agree with all of this but I do agree with connecting the Transgender Community and the Queer Community with Neurodivergent Evolution.

Communists, Bundists and Collectivists: Kat Theory

According to Corporal Kat there are Communists (Gentile Socialists), Bundists (Jewish Socialists) and Collectivists (Gentile Socialists who are better than Communists). The Maoists are not Communists they are Collectivists. The Marxists and the Marxist-Leninists are Communists. Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Bundists are not Collectivists, they are Bundists. Collectivists tend to confuse themselves for Communists. Many Collectivists now confuse them selves as Demarchists. Trotskyists are Fascists in denial in the same way that Demarchists are Anarcho Collectivists in denial. Mystical Socialism will replace Scientific Socialism because it is only a matter of time before Magic is realized as more Materialist than Science. The Trans and Queer phenomenons have everything to do with Neurodivergent Evolution. The Collectivists will overcome the Communists eventually. This can only happen when Demarchists realize that they are Collectivists, that there is no such thing as Demarchism. Which will lead to the Maoists realizing that they are Collectivists not Communists. Religiosity is a matter of Orientation but most of Western Christianity is not a Religion at all.

On behalf of the Arizona Rebellion and the L.A Underground

The Commune of Anarchy makes it clear that Black Flag Rebels and Anarcho Syndicalists flushed out a Lumpenproletarian Theory of Anarchism based on the local social practice of Anarchist Ex-Prostitutes struggling in Las Vegas. Experiment and Praxis formalized for us this theory we call The Commune of Anarchy. I just can't stress enough how much Mikhail Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon have nothing much to offer in the way of Anarchism. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon is worse than both Mikhail Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and even more so his ideology Mutualism are usually rejected by The Commune of Anarchy. So whenever we speak of Anarcho Communism separate from Peter Kropotkin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon we are speaking of Gentile Socialists who at this time are most active in The Commune of Anarchy. Also to match Corporal Kat, I will gladly assume the title of Anarcho Communist just for them. Together both me and Corporal Kat form a argument which is ongoing which completely rejects Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and his Mutualism. I need to put emphasis on this, both myself and Corporal Kat reject Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and his Mutualism. So now that I have emphasized this, I introduce our argument to the World. The argument between me and Kat is called ANARCHO MUTUALISM. 

Anarcho Mutualism: the Dialectical between Anarcho Communists and Anarcho Bundists   

Position of The PinkPurpleGirl; The Demarchists are not Marxists nor Anarchists. Demarchism is based on superstition and cultural needs which Marxists and Pseudo-Anarchists neglect all the time thus creating the climate for forming a bad set of philosophies which will not be disappearing any time soon. Demarchists really are Socialists yet out of all Socialists they are the most confused. Demarchist arguments are not simple arguments to defeat because they are never going to disappear so long as there is religion and nation. The 12 Principles which Demarchism is based on are flawed. There are Anarcho Communists which are usually correct in Ideology and there are also Anarcho Bundists which are usually incorrect in Ideology. Even though Anarcho Bundists are usually going to be incorrect there will be exceptions to this. Even though Anarcho Communists are usually going to be correct there will be exceptions to this as well. There is never going to be a formalization of Anarcho Collectivism nor any type of Collectivism which can be taken seriously. 

Position of Corporal Kat; There is no such thing as Demarchism, Demarchists are Anarcho Collectivists in denial. Collectivism is sometimes Marxist and sometimes Anarchist. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the Marxist style of Collectivism. Groupings such as the Christian Socialist Front and the Islamic Socialist Front claim Demarchism yet they are really just Anarcho Collectivists who correctly reject Peter Kropotkin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Bundism as practiced by the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was both Anarcho Bundist and Maoist-Bundist. The 12 Principles which so-called "demarchism" is based on are correct. Anarcho Bundists and Anarcho Collectivists both must uphold these 12 Princibles, doing so will help overthrow Anarcho Communism from the conversation. Ultimately there are three kinds of Anarchism: Anarcho Communism, Anarcho Bundism and Anarcho Collectivism.


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