Anarcho Bundism

I have been scolded by several friends for typos which are said to glare at you. The last three posts on this blog have typos. I blame this purism on Dona Newman. Even now her influence is felt despite her retiring from politics. My friends can fuck off. I really am sick of Ms. Newman's influence and chauvinism incentivizing my friends by osmosis. Before going any further, I wish to dispel any incoming confusion this blog may cause. Whenever I make a reference to The Commune of Anarchy, this is a reference to the theory. I will show both the parallels and differences between The Commune of Anarchy and Anarcho Bundism.  

The Parallels between The Commune of Anarchy and Anarcho Bundism

The Commune of Anarchy is a Theory based on real experience. Anarcho Bundism is a Theory synthesizing The Commune of Anarchy with Bundism (Jewish Demarchism). Both Theories reject the Industrial Proletariat. Both Theories embrace the Lumpenproletariat. Both Theories reject Trotskyism as a form of Fascism. Both Theories reject the Mutualism of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Both Theories consider Third Worldism to be the correct tendency for Maoists, recognizing both Federated Maoists and Multipolar Maoists as true to the Third Worldist tendency. Both Theories seek to abolish prostitution. Both Theories also seek to decriminalize prostitution. Both Theories reject Meth, Heroin, Cocaine, Crack, LSD, PCP and Ecstasy as dangerous narcotics. Both Theories defend the use of Marijuana, Shrooms, Peyote, Tobacco and Coca Leaves. However if I can recall what Comrade Net has told me, Corporal Kat considers both Cigarettes and Vape Tobacco to be on the same level as Cocaine. While I disagree with that, I do acknowledge that both Cigarettes and Vape Tobacco are not natural.

The Differences between The Commune of Anarchy and Anarcho Bundism

The Commune of Anarchy is opposed to nationality and religiosity. Anarcho Bundism adopts the Demarchist theories on nationality and religiosity. The Commune of Anarchy recognizes Demarchism as a newer rival theory also viewing it less accurate than Marxism which is the elder rival theory. Anarcho Bundism rejects any claim that Demarchism is separate from Anarchism, considering Demarchism to actually be true Anarcho Collectivism. Anarcho Bundism embraces the Maoists as Collectivists instead of Communists. Anarcho Bundism recognizes that Marxists and Marxist-Leninists are Communists. The Commune of Anarchy recognizes Marxists, Marxist-Leninists and Maoists as all being Communists. In the case of Bundists claiming Demarchism, Anarcho Bundism consider such Bundists to be Anarcho Bundists. Anarcho Bundism embraces Maoist-Bundists, considering them to be Bundists who are not Communist nor Collectivists. The Commune of Anarchy does not emphasize the term Communist very much. Because every true Anarchist is a Communist by default. The Commune of Anarchy embraces Feminism but Anarcho Bundism rejects Feminism.


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