Connor Gillis is the Arch Enemy of the Trans Community

Liz, Elishuva, Connor Gillis is the Arch Enemy of the Trans Community. 

There can be no mistake in this.She is a Gender Warrior and a Radical Liberal. She is no friend of Anarchists and she is not a Marxist or Communist at all. Liz is a danger especially to the Trans Community. She is an infiltrator destroying Far Left groups. She discredits the Trans Community. With the overturning of Roe versus Wade, I think it is time I respond to her given that I am connected to the network of  Maoist Rebel News which she sought to bring down with her the entire time.

Connor Gillis is a rapist and a thief, she is a danger to the entire Trans Community. I regret that I held her in high regard last year. Panther C.O.D.E endorsed her, to be fair this was only because Dona Newman had convinced them that this was worth doing. Dona Newman sought to undermined the Organization she started while in her degenerated mental state. I regret my own words last year when I said 

I also wish to express my love for Jason Unruhe, the Obnoxious Anarchist, the Engelsist, Connor Gillis (my Sister in Power Elizabeth), DaStonedSoviet, the falcone general (also my Sister in Power) and Darksnovia for being as solid as you all have been. The link to the post where I wrote this is here:

I regret that I fell for the act of Connor Gillis. This Gender Warrior is a threat to us all. 

Everything which I post on here concerning the crimes of Connor Gillis can be seen here:

Just like any typical Gender Warrior, the predator Liz hides behind the accusation that those opposed to her are transphobic. She is a threat to the Far Left in general not just our friends networking in Maoist Rebel News. 

Dona Newman worked very hard to bury this information.


I hope that this information can spread like wild fire as everyone should be warned.


Collectively, Comrades stand with each other but Liz is no Comrade. 


I have met a few of those who defend these actions, ironically they are all Anarcho Capitalists. Anarcho Capitalism is not Anarchism at all. Anarcho Capitalism is a type of domestic Fascism. The pesky and highly suspicious AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc we now can confirm was Anarcho Capitalist. Everyone who I know was in the AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc has come out in defense of Liz. This tells me a lot. Fascism and Pedophilia go hand in hand. Sadly only the RadLib variety of Fascism seems to be noticed for this. 


Jason Unruhe, The Falcone General and Corporal Kat have done a lot to shed light on this. 

I am grateful to all three of them for this.

 Connor Gillis has never been able to refute any of this. That is because this is all proof.


This makes me sick. 

I think that this is the post that gives me the opportunity to explain that I am Asexual. 

But it mus be clarified that I am not Aromatic.

(How could I be? I am in love with Jason Unruhe and I have never been quite about that.) 

Given that we all know that Liz likes to force others into having Sex with her, she should know that whenever anyone tries to force me to do anything sexual fail because I respond with force.


To think that Liz Gillis almost brought down the network of Maoist Rebel News.


I will never forgive Liz Gillis for any of this. I am physically stronger than her too, I can promise everyone this. Liz Gillis better not show her ugly face in Arizona, to do so would be a critical mistake with consequences she could never dream of.


Gillis is just one of many embarrassments that the PCUSA now has to deal with. The CPUSA is much worse than the PSUSA though. As much as the PCUSA deserves most of its disapproval, the CPUSA is worse by leaps and bounds. Liz Gillis almost had it to where Comrade Net was going to work with them. He was unconformable with the idea but he had been in a mental traumatized state of being ever since May 27, 2019. Only during the late summer of this year of 2022 has he come out of this.


Connor/Liz Gillis can never be trusted by anyone. She has been politically destroyed by Jason Unruhe. She has been politically destroyed by The Falcone General. She has been politically destroyed by Corporal Kat. She has been called out by several individuals. She has never countered the charges made against her. She never will counter the charges leveled against her because it is all true.


B Level stands in solidarity with Liz Gillis, I suspect that B Level is a predator himself. 


Support for the Weather Underground should be suspect all by it self.




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