I denounce Ewoks Unhinged

I denounce Ewoks Unhinged. I denounce BLevel and Noah Khraschivik. 


Basic truths that hit so hard it makes me want to cry and die. 

We have only one Squatter House left. Most of the young members of the Arizona Rebellion were survivors of Midnight Productions, a Human Trafficking syndicate. These young brave Anarchists had been fans of Ewoks Unhinged ever since Jason Unruhe promoted them. Before the Arizona Rebellion there was the Anarcho Syndical Family. The Anarcho Syndical Family was an organic federation of Arizonan Anarcho Syndicalist Squatters. I was part of the Anarcho Syndical Family and so was the Arizona Syndical Boy, he would change his name to Anarcho Syndical Boy in 2020. By the way just as was the case with the Anarcho Syndical Family, whenever someone joined they destroyed their ID Cards, Social Security Card and Birth Certificate. When you choose your new name you can never say whatever your former name was. In order to avoid confusion you stay with your new name. When the Anarcho Syndical Family was forced to disband not too long after the AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc a new Anarchist group was formed. Most of us stand by the notion that the AZ Anarcho Punk Bloc was pure COINTELPRO. Together with the Arizona Syndical Boy I started the Arizona Rebellion. We had to do this given that we Anarchists organic to Arizona became visible to Jason Unruhe. Only Jason Unruhe cared enough to attempt  to bring World attention to us. The one and only exception to the rule of sticking with a new name not changing a second time was when the Arizona Syndical Boy changed his name to the Anarcho Syndical Boy. This is because he became a member of the L.A Underground. Anarcho Syndical Boy is a member of both the Arizona Rebellion and the L.A Underground. Together the Arizona Rebellion and the L.A Underground formed the most advanced Anarchist theory with the most advanced praxis. This is how it began. Whenever we could get Internet Access into any of our Squatter Houses we would watch our daily MRN. Usually this internet came from a pre-payed phone. Imagine several people standing around one phone watching MRN, that's our family for you. Comrade Net has always been our insider into Jason Unruhe. Comrade Net told us that very soon Jason Unruhe would put out a video called The Transphobia Lie Must Stop and it came out on the very date which Comrade Net had informed. We already knew that Jason Unruhe is not transphobic but without him clarifying this it was near impossible for him to even mention us in any context given that two thirds of the new Arizona Rebellion was trans. Unknown to almost everyone else is another truth, I already knew about Ewoks Unhinged before all of this but I never figured they would get so big. In the video description of The Transphobia Lie Must Stop was a link to Sliced Bread! | A Discussion on Online Grifting and from there we were hooked. BLevel was the main attraction of Ewoks Unhinged. BLevel's original co-host was Darksnovia. We all liked Darksnovia too but it was BLevel who we truly loved. At first BLevel showed us nothing but solidarity but things began to shift when BLevel compromised himself with NazBols and Caleb Maupin. Ironicly we have come to respect Darksnovia more than we ever thought. Darksnovia actually shows some level of courage he is a good Marxist, one of the best we have seen online. I love you brother Jordan and I hope you see this and know we are forever grateful to you. Darksnovia left Ewoks Unhinged peacefully and on his own accord. Noah Khraschivik further emboldened BLevel's NazBol nature and now we can see that Fascists Unhinged has taken the place of Ewoks Unhinged. I denounce both BLevel and Noah Khraschivik and I ask people to show us support but I do not expect that my call for mutual aid will be herd. But I have to try. What else can I do? In addition I ask that Darksnovia denounce Ewoks Unhinged. Throughout 2020 a series of murders took place, it was all over the news. Many of my own were among those killed by Fascist Cops. I have more to write about given that this problem is connected to many other problems.


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