
Showing posts from November, 2022

Anarcho Bundism

I have been scolded by several friends for typos which are said to glare at you. The last three posts on this blog have typos. I blame this purism on Dona Newman. Even now her influence is felt despite her retiring from politics. My friends can fuck off. I really am sick of Ms. Newman's influence and chauvinism incentivizing my friends by osmosis. Before going any further, I wish to dispel any incoming confusion this blog may cause. Whenever I make a reference to The Commune of Anarchy, this is a reference to the theory. I will show both the parallels and differences between The Commune of Anarchy and Anarcho Bundism.   The Parallels between The Commune of Anarchy and Anarcho Bundism The Commune of Anarchy is a Theory based on real experience. Anarcho Bundism is a Theory synthesizing The Commune of Anarchy with Bundism (Jewish Demarchism). Both Theories reject the Industrial Proletariat. Both Theories embrace the Lumpenproletariat. Both Theories reject Trotskyism as a form of Fasci

Corporal Kat

My Solidarity goes out to Corporal Kat the Anarcho Bundist. Kat has been trying to broker for us for a while now but there are individuals who don't understand how much they undermine our success in getting the word out on Revolutionary Squatter Houses. Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin have done their best to explain to their own Network why what we say matters. All of the members of Maoist Rebel News care a great detail about our struggle but only Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin actually have been known to keep their word. They still will keep their word and their Line Holder The Lumpen-ThirdWorldist will have to learn the difference between protecting what Maoists call the Mass Line and dictating to Cadres and Partisans, but this is not the message where I am going to be criticizing The Lumpen-ThirdWorldist formally known as DaStoned Soviet. This is the message of full recognition to Corporal Kat. I recognize them and their efforts. Corporal Kat has been synthesizing the theory of The C

Voting in Arizona is not worth it

Voting in Arizona is not worth it. Can I be more clear? None of the Arizona Candidates running for their Offices of Oppression have the interests of the poor and destitute in mind. None of these Capitalists are options. As much as it is tempting to say "Anyone but Blake Masters" this type of thinking has led to a Totalitarian tip toe. It is time that we collectively grow up. Voting within The State is childish. Clearly Americans are Childish spoiled brats who can barely understand reality. That is no excuse though. It falls to the Lumpenproletariat to put an end to this madness. Voting in any Settler-Colonial Country is treason against the Indigenous, Japan included. We must engage in Direct Democratic Civil Society free from Market and State forces alike. This means that Insurrection is the answer. Always we are told that if we don't like the System that we should vote to change it. This is irrational thinking. I have never voted in my life and this is not something whic