
Showing posts from June, 2021

I denounce Ewoks Unhinged

I denounce Ewoks Unhinged. I denounce BLevel and Noah Khraschivik.      Basic truths that hit so hard it makes me want to cry and die.  We have only one Squatter House left. Most of the young members of the Arizona Rebellion were survivors of Midnight Productions, a Human Trafficking syndicate. These young brave Anarchists had been fans of Ewoks Unhinged ever since Jason Unruhe promoted them. Before the Arizona Rebellion there was the Anarcho Syndical Family. The Anarcho Syndical Family was an organic federation of Arizonan Anarcho Syndicalist Squatters. I was part of the Anarcho Syndical Family and so was the Arizona Syndical Boy, he would change his name to Anarcho Syndical Boy in 2020. By the way just as was the case with the Anarcho Syndical Family, whenever someone joined they destroyed their ID Cards, Social Security Card and Birth Certificate. When you choose your new name you can never say whatever your former name was. In order to avoid confusion you stay with your new name. W